Create an Account.
You can register for free to use the Pun Assembly, you can create your own puns, and download them, or share them on your social.
To use some of features, you will need a vault pass or be an official member. A vault pass will allow to you to submit photopuns on the site and use in pun adventures and other stories that we do here with
You can jump right into becoming an member, or subscriber / supporter , and access the additional features and fun. Here your usernames and access are setup at directly checkout.
A member can : Access the Vault, pun assembly saves, your puns on your account page, photopuns in search. Extra Entertainment, and Community Features and 15% all merchandise. Access the extra areas of the Boombox, and Popular Pun.
Here's the official member run down.
- 15% off all Merchandise
- Access hidden features and area's of the website. Like the entertainment Boombox.
- Members contribute to the Vault. Your Assembled puns 'can' be sent to the vault to appear on the website, gallaries, and popuar puns, where puns are.
- changes Season every the months. Access Season content as a member and visit back for new themes and activities as a member or not.
- And....